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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 0592c94.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-21  |  115KB  |  570x258  |  8-bit (229 colors)
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OCR: Americans median worth and income Annua household income Ages 16to Ages 35 to 44 Ages 45t0 54 Ages 55to 64 Ages 65 and up $20 400 to $30,799 6.440 20,008 38,295 78 627 $141,811 $30 800 S46. 599 15.420 39,983 65,794 96 066 $201 562 $46 .600 and up 37,817 88,293 $130,867 $198 .987 $343.015 $75,000 and up 65,000 $150 000 S220 .000 to $310 000 to $500, 000 to $100,000 $200 000 $280 000 $400 000 $700 000 All households 6.078 33 183 57 466 80,032 73.471 (Median income S23 796] Annual 45to54 S280